From Brian Deer’s film, The Drug Trial That Went Wrong, investigating the notorious TGN1412 scandal, for the UK’s Channel 4 television network
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Chase clip from Brian Deer’s film, MMR: What They Didn’t Tell You, exposing the vaccine research cheat Andrew Wakefield (full film below)
Brian Deer of The Sunday Times of London competes for the award of specialist journalist of the year at the annual British Press Awards
Brian Deer interviewed by Matt Lauer for NBC’s Dateline on his investigation of vaccine research cheat Andrew Wakefield
Deer considers his chances and goes to dinner after being nominated for a journalism award by the Royal Television Society
CNN’s Anderson Cooper interviews Brian Deer on his finding’s published in the British Medical Journal on the research cheat Andrew Wakefield
Brian Deer’s November 2004 Dispatches investigation for the UK’s Channel 4 television network (full film)
Brian Deer in November 2024 with Rachel Maddow, MSNBC, on the rise and rise of Robert F Kennedy Jr
Invite Brian Deer to speak at your event
Hear the astonishing true story of the plot behind today’s controversy over vaccines, and its exposure by an investigative journalist