About Brian
TV & video
Book: ‘Fooled’
Book: Blind Trial
Recent Articles
The Doctor Who Fooled the World: China edition 布莱恩-迪尔 | 欺骗世界的
News investigation nails a vaccine crisis
Thriller BLIND TRIAL released
Sensational launch for The Doctor Who Fooled the World, by Brian Deer
The Doctor Who Fooled the World
Pathological Optimist lies for money
Investigation findings ‘too true to be good’
About Brian Deer
Andrew Wakefield suckers Elle Macpherson
Andrew Wakefield: the fraud investigation
Abel Hadden fronts for MMR doctor
Andrew Wakefield and Elle Macpherson
Andrew Wakefield and Jeffrey Bradstreet
Andrew Wakefield and Sea Buddies
Andrew Wakefield concocts a conspiracy
Andrew Wakefield dumped by Thoughtful House
Andrew Wakefield finished – editorial
Andrew Wakefield found guilty of fraud and misconduct
Andrew Wakefield libel claim fails
Andrew Wakefield loses in High Court
Andrew Wakefield MMR Lancet paper
Andrew Wakefield pays for libel failure
Andrew Wakefield: a cheat exposed
Andrew Wakefield: a doctor of documents
Andrew Wakefield’s “cure” for autism
Andrew Wakefield’s MMR fraud
Andrew Wakefield’s MMR pathology revealed
Andrew Wakefield’s patent science
Andrew Wakefield’s TV lawsuit against Deer
Andrew Wakefield’s vaccine patent
Arthur Krigsman takes the stand
Association for International Broadcasting on plagiarism
Banks-Smith reviews Deer’s MMR TV film
BMJ – Secrets of the MMR scare – part 1
BMJ – Secrets of the MMR scare – part 2
BMJ – Secrets of the MMR scare – part 3
BMJ affirms Wakefield fraud findings
BMJ editor on Andrew Wakefield fraud
BMJ editor on Andrew Wakefield scandal
BMJ editorial on Andrew Wakefield
BMJ reviews Deer’s 2004 TV investigation
BMJ series on the Wakefield fraud
Brian Deer cited in federal court
Brian Deer in BMJ on Andrew Wakefield, 2010
Brian Deer in UK Press Gazette, 2009
Brian Deer on Stroumboulopoulos show
Brian Deer responds to faulty Nature report
Brian Deer speaks in Toronto, February 2011
Brian Deer’s 2004 film on Andrew Wakefield
Call for Richard Horton to resign
Carol Stott blames misconduct on others
Carol Stott warned over misconduct
Carol Stott: “Try me, shit head”
College of Physicians defines research
Dan Olmsted enabler for research cheat
Dateline NBC profiles Deer’s investigation
David L Lewis: Deer responds in Nature
Deer on Kennedy in The New York Times
Deer’s first front page on Andrew Wakefield research fraud
Deer’s investigation on Dateline NBC
Dinah Lord in Channel 4 plagiarism scandal
Donald Trump and Andrew Wakefield
Double agent betrays anti-vax secrets
Eamonn Matthews faces plagiarism complaint
Flora Bagenal silent on plagiarism complaint
GMC notice for Andrew Wakefield inquiry
How four Wakefield lawsuits failed
Huge sums paid to Andrew Wakefield
Hugh Fudenberg ruled unfit to prescribe
Ileal lymphoid nodular hyperplasia
Investigating Samoa’s 2019 measles outbreak
Jackie Fletcher of JABS, fooled or fooling?
Jennifer Larson: food for the birds
John O’Leary deserts Andrew Wakefield
John O’Leary dumps Andrew Wakefield
John O’Leary’s MMR work challenged
John Walker-Smith on legal involvement
John Walker-Smith switches MMR story
Judge hammers Andrew Wakefield
Judge orders Wakefield papers produced
Judge orders Wakefield papers produced
Judge orders Wakefield to proceed to trial
Martin J Walker – liar for hire
Measles returns after Wakefield fraud
MMR – What they didn’t tell you
MMR and Private Eye
MMR fraud revelations reached half of US
MMR lawsuit money is stopped
MMR research scandal: Brian Deer
MMR shot statistics, England & Wales
MMR: confidence falls due to Wakefield
MMR: key dates in the crisis
Mother lied about vaccine damage
Mother lied over MMR reaction
Mother lies over vaccine injury
Newsweek reports Deer’s investigation
Observer review of Deer’s TV film
Piltdown Man and Andrew Wakefield
Press Association report on Lancet MMR spoiler
Press reports Wakefield paper retraction
Reader responses to Deer’s reports
Readers’ responses to Sunday Times reports
Reply to Private Eye magazine
Research cheat claims autism cure
Research showed bowel issues in autism
Responses to Brian Deer’s TV on MMR
Richard Horton supported Wakefield
Rosemary Kessick in misleading MMR report
Ruin and lies as Wakefield career ends
Secret payments to Andrew Wakefield
Simon Murch on his vaccine research
Some of Brian Deer’s reports
Sunday Times nails Andrew Wakefield
Sunday Times Wakefield MMR impact
Swansea measles outbreak, 2013
Tara Cook-Littman in vaccine film gaff
The Fraud Award: Andrew Wakefield
The Wakefield fraud (legacy page)
The Wakefield fraud: why you can be sure
The weird world of Dr David L Lewis
The weird world of Robert F Kennedy Jr
Timeline of Wakefield MMR scandal, 2011
Timeline of Wakefield scandal
Tony Blair intervenes over Andrew Wakefield
Transfer factor scam in autism
Two retractions of fraudulent Lancet paper
UK MMR scare chronology
Wakefield abandons gag attempt lawsuit
Wakefield abandons gagging suit
Wakefield accused of fraud in US trial
Wakefield buys blood at birthday party
Wakefield exposed in Sunday Times
Wakefield faces misconduct hearing
Wakefield hammered in court
Wakefield in Bradstreet remedy roadshow
Wakefield lawsuit over Deer film collapses
Wakefield letter bids to stop exposure
Wakefield misconduct charges laid
Wakefield misled expert panel
Wakefield MMR hearing to end
Wakefield patent exposed
Wakefield quits lawsuit ploy
Wakefield research fraud exposed
Wakefield responds to first reports
Wakefield threat to MMR whistleblower
Wakefield: scope kids for MMR anxiety
Wakefield’s legacy: measles outbreaks
Andrew Wakefield’s “enterocolitis” revealed
Awards & honours
Bactrim-Septra: a secret epidemic
Bactrim – Septra – Septrin investigation
Bactrim – Septra: a secret epidemic of injuries
Bactrim – Septra: a secret epidemic of injuries
Bactrim Cotrim TMP/SMZ Septra side effects 21
Bactrim Ditrim Septra SMZ-TMP side effects 12
Bactrim DS Septra Trimeth-Sulfa side effects 14
Bactrim Ectaprim TMP/sulfa side effects 15
Bactrim Resprim cotrimoxazole side effects 9
Bactrim Resprim Septra Forte side effects 17
Bactrim Septra co-trimoxazole side effects 20
Bactrim Septra Co-trimoxazole side effects 30
Bactrim Septra Cotrim Sulfatrim side effects 24
Bactrim Septra Cotrim Sulfatrim side effects 6
Bactrim Septra cotrimoxazole side effects 35
Bactrim Septra Resprim Septrin side effects 8
Bactrim Septra Resprim Sulfatrim side effects 11
Bactrim Septra Septrin Resprim side effects 2
Bactrim Septra Septrin Resprim side effects 36
Bactrim Septra Septrin Sulfatrim side effects 31
Bactrim Septra Septrin Sulfatrim side effects 32
Bactrim Septra Septrin Sulfatrim side effects 34
Bactrim Septra Septrin Sulfatrim side effects 37
Bactrim Septra Sulfatrim Septrin side effects 39
Bactrim Septra Sulfatrim TMP/SMZ side effects 26
Bactrim Septra Sulfatrim TMP/SMZ side effects 5
Bactrim Septra Trimeth TMP/SMZ side effects 27
Bactrim Sulfatrim TMP/SMZ side effects 23
Bactrim Sulfatrim TMP/sulfa side effects 19
Bactrim TMP/SMZ cotrimoxazole side effects 18
Bactrim, Septra, Septrin side-effects
Septrin – Septra – Bactrim: legal threats
Bactrim, Septra, Septrin, trimethoprim, sulfamethoxazole
Description of Bactrim
Doctors on Bactrim, Septra, Septrin, Sulfatrim
Drug injury campaigning
House of Commons debates drug
Letters from readers on Septrin, Bactrim, Septra
Novo-Trimel cotrimoxazole side effects 13
Resprim Bactrim Cotrim Septra side effects 10
Restrictions on Bactrim, Septrin, Septra
Risks of Bactrim, Septra, Septrin etc
Septra Bactrim TMP/SMZ side effects 25
Septra Septrin Bactrim Forte side effects 1
Septra Septrin Bactrim Sulfatrim side effects 3
Septra Septrin Bactrim TMP/SMZ side effects 22
Septra Sulfamethoxazole Bactrim side effects 7
Septrin Bactrim Sulfatrim Septra side effects 4
Septrin campaign coupon
Septrin campaign lobbies government
Septrin campaign victory
Septrin Septra TMP/SMZ Trimeth side effects 16
Septrin, Bactrim, Septra – Brian Deer investigates
Septrin, Bactrim, Septra investigation
Septrin, Bactrim, Septra, Brian Deer investigates
Sulfamethoxazole side effects
Sulfatrim Bactrim Septra Septrin side effects 33
Sulfatrim Bactrim Septra Septrin side effects 38
The many faces of trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole
TMP/SMZ Septra Bactrim Septrin side effects 29
Trimethoprim side effects
Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole side effects 28
BLIND TRIAL by Brian Deer
Brian Deer on medical research fraud
Brian Deer on Skeptics in the Pub
Brian Deer on Vioxx deaths in UK
Brian Deer photographed
Brian Deer wins his first British Press Award
Brian Deer, selected journalism
Brian Deer: DTP vaccine investigation
Carol Stott abuse in Cambridge News
Comments on the Loveday DTP trial
Contact Brian Deer
Contraceptive pill fraud followup
Deer shortlisted for two awards
Deer’s Dispatches on TGN1412 disaster
Deer’s reports on MMR and Wakefield
DTP: did pertussis vaccine cause brain damage?
E-coli o157: Matthew and the burger bug
Essay: the life of leisure
Essay: when Japan feels the squeeze
Exposed: Michael Briggs contraceptive pill fraud
Federal prosecution of ex-CDC staffer at VaxGen
First British death from measles since 1980s
First recognised UK Aids death
Glasgow politics: Labour’s wild west of Scotland
Henry Wellcome: Thy will be done
HIV: the denialist Peter Duesberg
Home page
Homo erectus: death of the killer ape
How to win Association for International Broadcasting awards
I exposed Andrew Wakefield…
Investigating Vioxx: Merck’s killer painkiller
Iron Maiden’s maiden voyage
Joseph Sonnabend: a life in the day of
Justin Fashanu’s final score
Kate Hoey: member of parliament
Launching Pfizer’s Viagra, 1998
London’s Lambeth Council fraud
Medical research fraud in the UK
Memo on Henry Wellcome
Michael Briggs: birth pill fraud revealed
MMR – What they didn’t tell you
Photographs of Brian Deer
Porter Stansberry sales technique 3
PR Max Clifford backs Andrew Wakefield
Privacy, copyright & plagiarism policies
Raj Persaud plagiarism scandal
Raj Persaud plagiarism scandal
Raj Persaud found guilty of plagiarism
Research fraud is common
Resources for Brian Deer’s presentation
Reviews: The Doctor Who Fooled the World
Search Results
Secrets of the MMR scare
Sexual interest disorder
Social affairs: defining a beat
A crisis after Christmas for the homeless
Abuse of old people in a Manchester care home
Aids and HIV on Castro Street, San Francisco 1987
Brian Deer on the abuse and murder of children
Central Park East, and New York School Reform
Clause 28, or Section 28, anti-gay law
Conservative welfare for the homeless 1985
Deaths and negligence in private hospitals
Erin Pizzey, crusader for battered women
Heroin addiction and myths of drug misuse
John Major: my part in his downfall
Michael Briggs and a pharmaceutical fraud
Myra Hindley, moors murderer
Neighbourhood Watch for crime prevention
Racism in the military
Social affairs: a new beat in journalism
Soho peep show, 1985
The Camberwell homeless resettlement ‘Spike’
The Cleveland child sexual abuse inquiry, 1989
The Stanley Royd Hospital scandal
There is no such thing as society
Tom Clarke’s 1986 Disabled Persons Act
Trade unions, labor, and the Australian budget, 1986
Stansberry Research
Federal gold values – bargain bullion?
Federal gold values – bargain bullion? 2
Investor argument: Porter Stansberry is right
Many polled say ‘Porter Stansberry for jail’
Peter Schiff blasts Porter Stansberry
Porter Stansberry – friend or fraud? – 1
Porter Stansberry – friend or fraud? – 2
Porter Stansberry – friend or fraud? – 3
Porter Stansberry – the “Stansberry scam” explained – 4
Porter Stansberry – the free Porter Poll
Porter Stansberry – the Stansberry scam explained – 1
Porter Stansberry: End of America
Porter Stansberry – the Stansberry scam explained – 2
Porter Stansberry – the Stansberry scam explained – 5
Porter Stansberry – the Stansberry scam explained – 3
Porter Stansberry and the AidsVax fiasco
Porter Stansberry End of America mail
Porter Stansberry hit by SEC fraud suit
Porter Stansberry in “malicious libel” row – 1
Porter Stansberry in “malicious libel” row – 2
Porter Stansberry in The New York Times
Porter Stansberry investment scam in SEC fraud action – 1
Porter Stansberry investment scam in SEC fraud action – 2
Porter Stansberry investment testimonials
Porter Stansberry Research – reviews and poll results 1
Porter Stansberry Research – reviews and poll results 2
Porter Stansberry Research – reviews and poll results 3
Porter Stansberry Research – reviews and poll results 4
Porter Stansberry Research in second insider penalty
Porter Stansberry Research in second insider penalty 2
Porter Stansberry Research profile – 1
Porter Stansberry Research profile – 2
Porter Stansberry Research profile – 3
Porter Stansberry Research profile – 4
Porter Stansberry Research: was he right about gold and silver?
Porter Stansberry Research: was he right on gold and silver? 2
Porter Stansberry Research: was he right on gold and silver? 3
Porter Stansberry reviews challenged
Porter Stansberry reviews challenged 2
Porter Stansberry reviews challenged 3
Porter Stansberry reviews challenged 4
Porter Stansberry reviews challenged 5
Porter Stansberry sales technique
Porter Stansberry sales technique 2
Porter Stansberry sales technique 4
Porter Stansberry: predictions for the postmodern investor – 1
Porter Stansberry: predictions for the postmodern investor – 2
Porter Stansberry: predictions for the postmodern investor – 3
Porter Stansberry: predictions for the postmodern investor – 4
The world’s most valuable asset in a time of crisis?
The world’s most valuable asset in a time of crisis? 2
The world’s most valuable asset in a time of crisis? 3
Understanding Stansberry: Porter on gold
Understanding Stansberry: Porter on gold 2
Understanding Stansberry: Porter on gold 3
Understanding Stansberry: Porter on gold 4
Who is Porter Stansberry?
Talks & lectures
TGN1412 drug trial: A film by Brian Deer
The Doctor Who Fooled the World, by Brian Deer
The TGN1412 disaster
The TGN1412 drug trial disaster
The Wakefield fraud
The Wellcome empire in the 1990s
Topics at this site
TV & video
UK deaths from Vioxx painkiller
VaxGen job was fixed for CDC vaccine chief
VaxGen’s AidsVax fiasco
AidsVax unravelled: the VaxGen experiment
CDC vaccine boss campaigned before job deal
AidsVax volunteers drawn to unsafe sex
Vioxx, rofecoxib (legacy page)
Voluntary Service Overseas
Welcome to briandeer.com
Westway Development Trust
July 2024
April 2022
March 2021
September 2020
June 2020
September 2017
May 2014
Andrew Wakefield
Blind Trial
Porter Stansberry
Social affairs
Copyright © 2025 | Brian Deer