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So here are the first results from the Porter Poll, derived from the votes of 1165 people. They are all visitors to this website, briandeer.com, and the data point was 19 December 2012, at 14.35 Eastern time. Since then, of course, more votes have been cast, and the poll will continue, open-ended. In due course, I will publish again, allowing a series of snapshots to assess whether opinions change.
Porter himself reads my site, so it may produce useful feedback for him as well as for you.
The Porter Poll – first findings
So here was the “question”, albeit phrased as a statement:
“If you ask me, Porter Stansberry…”
And here are the answers, with the percentages of the whole, and the raw numbers of votes actually cast:
(a) “Is #1 for investment advice” – 8% (97)
(b) “Always deserves to be listened to” – 12% (143)
(c) “Has good and bad days, like us all” – 17% (198)
(d) “Exploits the gullibility of naive investors” – 42% (490)
(e) “Belongs in jail” – 20% (237)
On these scores and for these questions, therefore, only 20% of respondents had what might be called “positive” views of Porter Stansberry. Meanwhile, 17% have broadly neutral views. Add these together and 37% responded non-negatively.
In contrast, 62% responded negatively, suggesting that visitors to briandeer.com expressing an opinion were approximately 2 to 1 against Porter Stansberry. The judgment most strongly supported was that Mr Stansberry “exploits the gullibility of naive investors”, endorsed by 42%.
So here, in graphic form, are the first results from the poll. In due course, I’ll post updates on the voting. And, if you want to join in, click this link and take your pick, or write to me.
Here are the 2014 Porter Poll results as a pie chart:

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