Brian Deer
Seasoned speaker: Brian Deer photographed in February 2025 (Picture: Jay Eff)

Brian Deer talks and lectures

Brian Deer: talks and lectures

I get many invitations to speak at meetings and conferences, whether about my book, The Doctor Who Fooled the World, investigative journalism, or topics I’ve covered. Diary permitting, I’m usually glad to do this.

Here’s a background note on what I may have to offer on my best-known investigation, and below are some of the events I’ve most enjoyed:

ITAS. Keynote. Journalism’s impact on public trust in science. Berlin, 25 February 2025.

Swedish Skeptics Society. Guest interview, annual conference. Malmo, Sweden, 6 May 2023.

European Society of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases. Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, Paris, France, 8-9 March 2023.

Trinity College Dublin. Speaker and recipient of College Historical Society Gold Medal for Outstanding Contribution to Public Discourse, 28 January 2022.

Johns Hopkins Medicine. Keynote speaker, colloquium on research integrity, 28 January 2021.

Encephalitis Society. Annual conference. Book signing, reading, and interview. Royal College of Physicians, London, 8 December 2020.

Czech Vaccine Society. Annual conference. Hradec Králové, Czech Republic, 4 October 2019.

CICAP Fest 2019, The Festival of Science and Curiosity. Padua, Italy, 13-15 September 2019.

Andrés Bello National University. Santiago and Concepción, Chile. VI International Scientific Conference, 6-7 November 2018.

Catholic University of Santos. Santos, Brazil. 14 September 2018.

Mackenzie University. Sao Paulo, Brazil. 11 September 2018.

18º Congresso Nacional de Pediatria. Porto, Portugal. 26 October 2017.

European Conference of Science Journalists. IT University, Copenhagen, Denmark. 29 June 2017.

York Minster. York St John University, graduation day address, and acceptance of the honorary degree Doctor of Letters. 17 November 2016.

2º Congresso da Área de Pediatria Médica. Lisbon, Portugal, 23 – 25 June 2016.

Open Society Foundations. New York City. Medical investigative journalism. BMJ conference. 10 November 2015.

Magdalen College, Oxford. Sherrington Society, 15 October 2015.

TAM13, The Amazing Meeting. Las Vegas, Nevada, 16 – 19 July 2015.

Epidemiological Society of Vojvodina. 39th annual meeting, Subotica, Serbia. 13 June 2014.

King’s College London. Pharmacology Society. 9 December 2013.

Oxford University. Society of Biomedical Sciences. 29 October 2013.

University of Helsinki. 8th World Congress of Science Journalists. Research fraud. Helsinki, Finland. 24 June 2013.

Oxford University. Keynote speaker. Evidence Live 2013. BMJ Group, Centre for Evidence Based Medicine, University of Oxford. 25-26 March 2013.

University of Wisconsin-La Crosse. Distinguished Lecturer in the Life Sciences. 4-5 October 2012.

Coventry Skeptics in the Pub. 21 March 2012.

Oxford University Medical School. Keynote speaker, Elective Conference 2012. 28 June 2012.

Fondation Merieux. Les Pensieres, Veyrier-du-lac, France. Conference keynote speaker. 21 November 2011.

Healthwatch UK. Medical Society of London. Acceptance of the Healthwatch 2011 award. 18 October 2011.

Merseyside Skeptics Society. The Head of Steam, Lime Street, Liverpool. 16 June 2011.

Svenska Läkaresällskapet, Stockholm. Swedish Medical Society and the Association of Swedish Medical Journalists. 16 May 2011.

Glasgow Skeptics. The Admiral, Waterloo Street, Glasgow. 10 May 2011.

Elephant & Castle, Lewes. Lewes Skeptics. 27 April 2011.

Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore. The Bloomberg School of Public Health. Fiftieth anniversary of the department of international health. Lecture. 19 April 2011.

Health Journalism 2011. Association of Health Care Journalists annual conference. Sheraton Society Hill, Philadelphia. 15 April 2011.

British Press Awards. Savoy hotel, London. Acceptance speech as specialist journalist of the year. 5 April 2011.

Lafayette College, Easton, Pennsylvania. Interdisciplinary seminar series in the life sciences. 4 March 2011.

Ryerson University, Toronto. Centre for Journalism. 16 February 2011.

Canadian Journalism Foundation. University of Toronto. Innis Town Hall. 15 February 2011.

Caroline of Brunswick, Brighton. Brighton Skeptics in the Pub. 11 January 2011.

American College of Toxicology. 31st annual meeting. Marriott Waterfront Hotel, Baltimore. 8 November 2010.

University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Berkshire Association for Behavior Analysis and Therapy. 14 October 2010.

The Royal Society. UK Conference of Science Journalists. 23 July 2010.

Square Bar, Leicester. Leicester Skeptics. 15 June 2010.

The Monk Exchange, London. Westminster Skeptics. 10 May 2010.

University College, London. Symposium on media and science. 10 March 2010.

Durham University. Queen’s campus medical society. 9 March 2010.

Westminster Conference Centre. 6th World Conference of Science Journalists. Investigative journalism. 1 July 2009.

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. 3rd Susan B Meister lecture in child health policy. 11 February 2009.

City University, London. Summer school for investigative journalism. 23 July 2006.

University of Cornwall, Falmouth. MA masterclass in television science journalism. July 4 2006.

University of Warwick. One World Forum. 15 January 2006.

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