This page is material from the award-winning investigation by Brian Deer for The Sunday Times of London, with spin-offs for a UK TV network and a top medical journal, which exposed vaccine research cheat Andrew Wakefield | Summary | Read the book


Exposed: Secrets of the MMR scare

In the wake of his investigation for The Sunday Times of London, Brian Deer was invited by BMJ, the British Medical Journal, to set out his Sunday Times findings in more detail for its mostly medically-qualified readership

BMJ editorial: 5 January 2011
Wakefield’s article linking MMR vaccine with autism was fraudulent

Story 1: 5 January 2011
How the case against the MMR vaccine was fixed

Story 2: 11 January 2011
How the vaccine crisis was meant to make money

Chronology: 11 January 2011
BMJ: Timeline

Story 3: 19 January 2011
The Lancet’s two days to bury bad news

Editor’s comment: 19 January 2011
Institutional and editorial misconduct in the MMR scare

Picture: 15 February 2011
Brian Deer at the Canadian Journalism Foundation

Story 4: 9 November 2011
Pathology reports solve “new bowel disease” riddle

Editorial: 9 November 2011
Institutional research misconduct

Other material

Wakefield fails in vexatious Texas lawsuit: 2012-14
Disgraced ex-doctor loses fourth attempt to gag media

Wakefield crank campaigner: Dr David L Lewis
Brian Deer has “considerable expertise in medical practice”

Earlier comments on General Medical Council: 2 February 2010
Reflections on investigating Wakefield

Earlier report on bowel pathology: 15 April 2010
Special report – “Autistic enterocolitis”

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Andrew Wakefield investigated

Vexatious Wakefield lawsuits fail

Brian Deer’s 2004 Dispatches film

Selected MMR-Wakefield resources