Septra, Bactrim, Septran, Septrin, Co-Trimoxazole

Bactrim Resprim cotrimoxazole side effects 9

This page is material from a 1990s investigation and campaign in The Sunday Times of London over the risks of an antibiotic with many names, such as Bactrim, Septra, Septrin, Sulfatrim, and co-trimoxazole Bactrim Septra […]

Bactrim, Septra, TMP/SMZ, Sulfatrim, cotrimoxazole

Bactrim Septra Resprim Septrin side effects 8

This page is material from a 1990s investigation and campaign in The Sunday Times of London over the risks of an antibiotic with many names, such as Bactrim, Septra, Septrin, Sulfatrim, and co-trimoxazole Bactrim DS […]


Septra Sulfamethoxazole Bactrim side effects 7

This page is material from a 1990s investigation and campaign in The Sunday Times of London over the risks of an antibiotic with many names, such as Bactrim, Septra, Septrin, Sulfatrim, and co-trimoxazole Bactrim Sulfatrim […]

Bactrim, Septra, TMP/SMZ, Sulfatrim, cotrimoxazole

Bactrim Septra Cotrim Sulfatrim side effects 6

This page is material from a 1990s investigation and campaign in The Sunday Times of London over the risks of an antibiotic with many names, such as Bactrim, Septra, Septrin, Sulfatrim, and co-trimoxazole Bactrim Septra […]

Septrin, Bactrim, cotrimoxazole, Septra, SMX-TMP, sulfamethoxazole, trimethoprim

Bactrim Septra Sulfatrim TMP/SMZ side effects 5

This page is material from a 1990s investigation and campaign in The Sunday Times of London over the risks of an antibiotic with many names, such as Bactrim, Septra, Septrin, Sulfatrim, and co-trimoxazole Bactrim Septra […]

Septra, Bactrim, Septran, Septrin, Co-Trimoxazole

Septrin Bactrim Sulfatrim Septra side effects 4

This page is material from a 1990s investigation and campaign in The Sunday Times of London over the risks of an antibiotic with many names, such as Bactrim, Septra, Septrin, Sulfatrim, and co-trimoxazole Septra Sulfatrim […]

Septra, Bactrim, Septran, Septrin, Co-Trimoxazole

Septra Septrin Bactrim Sulfatrim side effects 3

This page is material from a 1990s investigation and campaign in The Sunday Times of London over the risks of an antibiotic with many names, such as Bactrim, Septra, Septrin, Sulfatrim, and co-trimoxazole Septra Bactrim […]

Septrin, Bactrim, cotrimoxazole, Septra, SMX-TMP, sulfamethoxazole, trimethoprim

Bactrim Septra Septrin Resprim side effects 2

This page is material from a 1990s investigation and campaign in The Sunday Times of London over the risks of an antibiotic with many names, such as Bactrim, Septra, Septrin, Sulfatrim, and co-trimoxazole Bactrim Septra […]


Septra Septrin Bactrim Forte side effects 1

This page is material from a 1990s investigation and campaign in The Sunday Times of London over the risks of an antibiotic with many names, such as Bactrim, Septra, Septrin, Sulfatrim, and co-trimoxazole Bactrim Septra […]

Septrin, Bactrim, cotrimoxazole, Septra, SMX-TMP, sulfamethoxazole, trimethoprim

Septrin campaign lobbies government

This page is material from a 1990s investigation and campaign in The Sunday Times of London over the risks of an antibiotic with many names, such as Bactrim, Septra, Septrin, Sulfatrim, and co-trimoxazole Campaigners’ letter […]